Something's Wrong With Her

Her voice was very soft, as if she was afraid of disturbing the little one in her arms.

The little fellow, who had always been delicate and soft, didn't respond.

Her face was gray and covered in dirty blood. Her eyes were closed, and there was a greenish-black aura of death between her eyebrows.

It was almost unimaginable what kind of beautiful and lively black grape-like eyes she had. And now, she was lying quietly in her arms, her small body gradually turning cold.

The coldness almost spread from her skin to Chu Liuyue's limbs. Even though she was surrounded by a sea of fire, she felt extremely cold.

The crimson-gold tongues of fire danced and reflected in her cold and deep eyes. It was as if fire was surging under the frozen sea.

Ice and fire intertwined—it was an indescribable pain.

When the pain reached an extreme, it was numb.