Can You Lie to Me My Whole Life?

He knew that he was wrong, and he admitted to it. However, he said he didn't regret it.

The surroundings were quiet as the light breeze blew.

Chu Liuyue suddenly felt that the light surrounding her was too bright, causing her eyes to hurt.

At this moment, she suddenly felt scared and did not dare to listen further.

She had no clue of how much he had done for her, but he was her husband, the person she agreed to spend the rest of her life with. Why would she not know anything and even… not notice anything?

"Rong Xiu, your holy meridian is broken, and you committed many sins. Today… you must be punished!" The ancient and distant voice echoed between heaven and the earth.

The gigantic star formation slowly moved.

A light curtain dropped from the skies and trapped Rong Xiu!

He looked up slightly, and there was no fear or regret in his eyes. "I will suffer all the consequences."