Side Story 41: Does He have Children?

Tuan Zi slept especially soundly.

When she woke up, it was already the next morning.

She opened her eyes and stared at the mesh above her head for a moment. Then, she gradually recalled what happened the previous day. Oh right, I was going to teach Yi Ming and the rest how to repair the barrier. In the end, Zi Chen woke up, and I followed him back.

As she thought, a voice sounded. "You're awake?"

She turned around and saw Zi Chen walking in from outside while holding a porcelain plate.

The plate had round and pure red berries. She loved eating them.

Seeing food, Tuan Zi immediately woke up fully, jumping up from the bed and running over excitedly. "Zi Chen! Are all these for me?!"

Zi Chen passed the porcelain plate over. He had no interest in such sour and sweet things, but he knew that Tuan Zi liked them, so he searched for them.

Tuan Zi happily took the plate and started eating.