Side Story 49: Sour

Zi Chen replied to his own question.

He returned to the room and glanced around.

He saw the sour spiritual fruit that had been washed not long ago on the table and stopped in his tracks. Then, he walked to the table and sat down, his long and well-defined fingers stretching out lazily.

He pinched the largest and plumpest sour spiritual fruit and popped it into his mouth.

He casually flipped open a book with a relaxed posture. Just like every day before, he stayed quietly alone.

After a while, he tore his gaze away from the book and looked out the window.

It was empty and cold.

His expression didn't change as he lowered his eyes again.

Tuan Zi had always liked to go to Wind Valley to play in the past. Now that she had finally come out, she would naturally stay there for a long time.

He flipped to the next page.

Time slowly passed. He had eaten a lot of the sour spiritual fruits on the plate.