Side Story 64: His Patience Isn't Only For Me

Tuan Zi was stunned. She subconsciously said, "Because… he's very busy! Grandpa Miao Zhen specially invited him to Godly Dragon Island. I think it should be something important!"

Yi Ming thought for a moment and found it strange. He questioned, "You're the young mistress, and you've opened your ninth meridian. There are many things in the clan that need to rely on you, but even so, you're not so busy that your feet don't even touch the ground. Zi Chen… is still the legendary three-eyed eagle clan leader after all. He doesn't belong to the great phoenix dragon clan. What matter can cause him to be so worried?"

Tuan Zi was stunned.

Before this, she really didn't think of this.

She had indeed not heard that anything major had happened on Godly Dragon Island. Besides, with Zi Chen's identity, no one should be able to force him to do anything. Then… what had he been busy with for the past three months?