Side Story 77: Choose Only One Among Million People

On this day, the sky was clear.

In front of the Fantasy Divine Hall, there were many people, and it was very lively.

Quite a few youngsters had faces filled with excitement and expectations as they looked at the young girl standing at the head of the table in admiration.

Her red-golden dress outlined her exquisite lines and sparkled under the sun. The irregular skirt dropped down her slender and fair calves. When the wind blew, she looked especially charming.

Her skin was smooth, and her five features were exquisite. The most eye-catching thing was that pair of black grape-like eyes that were extremely clear and bright.

When she blinked lightly, her thick lashes swept across their hearts like a small brush.

Without asking, everyone knew that this was today's main character—Goddess Yue's legendary fiend and the red-gold heavenly phoenix clan's young mistress, Yi Tuan.