Side Story 84: First Meeting

After a long night, Chu Liuyue couldn't even remember when she fell asleep.

Her last memory was that she seemed to have been pulled into a warm and spacious embrace. Even in her sleep, she seemed to be able to smell the faint cold fragrance.

She was exhausted, and her entire body was soft. She curled up in his arms and rested her forehead gently on his chest.

Her black hair spread out in a soft and slightly cold manner.

She closed her eyes, and her thick and long eyelashes were still sparkling.

Rong Xiu was satisfied, but he wasn't tired. He stopped her with one hand and grabbed her hand with the other, kissing her slender and fair fingers bit by bit.

Chu Liuyue could vaguely feel the scorching temperature on her fingertips. Her body moved slightly, but she didn't even have the strength to raise her hand.

She could only grunt lightly.

It was unknown if she was awake or dreaming as she muttered softly.