A Different Xia Xibei

Looking at Yang Xuan, who was trying his best to suppress his anger, Xia Xibei raised her brows. "Sure, but I can only spare a few minutes."

"That's enough," Yang Xuan nodded with gritted teeth, leading the way to the exact spot they had been at this morning.

"Why did you look for me?" Xia Xibei asked.

Yang Xuan was bewildered as he looked at the calm, unhurried Xia Xibei. Was she really the same person she used to be? Why was she so different now? However, he cast the irrelevant thoughts aside very quickly, drawing in a deep breath to suppress the fury in him. Then he said, "In fact, we both know that I do not owe you that much money."

"But you did borrow my money," Xia Xibei replied with a shrug. "Is that not true?"

Yang Xuan paused for a second, continuing with his argument, "But I only borrowed 10,000 from you, not 20,000! You are trying to scam me!"