A Men's Problem

Song Jiaren was even more shocked when she saw the lunchboxes.

"This is food from Jia Yao!" she exclaimed, her face full of surprise. "This must have cost at least a few thousand!"

Jia Yao was a well-known restaurant. Their dishes were delicious, but their prices weren't very affordable. Song Jiaren liked the food from this restaurant, but why would anyone deliver such expensive food to Xia Xibei?

Song Jiaren knew Xia Xibei's life story. Even if she hadn't before, she understood after Liu Zhijing's explanation.

Xia Xibei's parents didn't love her, so she lived on her own and worked to make money for herself.

In that case, how could Xia Xibei have afforded such expensive food?

"It was sent by a wealthy patient I helped before," Xia Xibei explained, her expression not changing. She hadn't exactly lied. Qiao Yanjue was a patient she had once saved.

"Wow, so rich!" Song Jiaren widened her eyes. "What was he sick from?"