I Have to Protect You

It was an alley behind the school, and unlike the hustle and bustle by the front entrance, very few pedestrians passed here.

Usually there were some delinquents fighting in the area, so students rarely came to this area.

This was where Song Jiaren usually chose to solve her problems, so she didn't feel nervous here at all.

However, she didn't expect that after waiting here for a while, several men would appear in front of her.

"Are you Song Tianqin's daughter?" The leader, a man with droopy eyes, looked at her with ill intentions in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Seeing these tall men, Song Jiaren felt nervous. She continued asking vigilantly, "What do you want?!" She questioned them while carefully looking around, trying to look for an escape.

"Not much. I just wanted to talk to you," The man smiled grotesquely, and those next to him also smiling.

Song Jiaren's heart felt heavier after seeing their smiles.