Low-cal Milk Tea

Although she couldn't drink milk tea often, Song Jiaren had tried quite a lot of them before. At least she hadn't missed out on the famous ones on the market.

But she had to admit that the milk tea that Xia Xibei had just presented to her was very delicious, and in no way inferior to those on the market!

The sweetness of milk blended very well with the mild fragrance of tea, giving it a sweet but not sickening taste. Furthermore, there was a light fragrance that couldn't be ignored, which enhanced the flavor of the milk tea to a whole new level.

The texture of the drink was also splendid, without the slightest bit of bitterness, which kept you craving for another sip.

"It's super delicious!"

Song Jiaren's eyes were wide with delightful surprise as she took another huge gulp, her lips curving into a smile of contentment.

After taking a few gulps, she finally stopped and asked with some hesitation, "Are you sure this won't make me fat?"