Advice from Song’s Father

At the dinner table, Fang Yongxin enthusiastically served Xia Xibei food, so much so that Xia Xibei was almost overwhelmed.

After eating, they finished discussing the matter of opening the shop.

They would open one shop in the early stages, and if the business was good, they'd expand.

While Xia Xibei and Song Jiaren were collaborating in this business, in fact, things would be overseen by Fang Yongxin and Song Tianqin.

The profits would then go to Song Jiaren and Xia Xibei.

After all, Song Jiaren and Xia Xibei were still students. They didn't have time to be busy with these kinds of things.

Xia Xibei did not feel guilty at all about getting 50% of the profit.

After all, this milk tea shop relied on her unique formula to open up, and she would continue to introduce more formulations in the future.

As for Song Jiaren, she was an only child, so it was fine to give her the money.