Frame-up (8)

"No way!"

Xia Xibei refused right away. "I disagree!"

Tang Luo nodded in unison. "Sir, it's not a good idea to simply search a student's personal belongings."

Before the discipline master could respond, Xia Qinghan added, "We know that it isn't a very appropriate measure, but we don't have other options here."

"Your words are ridiculous." Xia Xibei glanced at the girls with a cold, detached look. "You came to find me because you've lost something, why didn't you try to find her first?"

She pointed at Jin Yazhen with a finger. "She accused me of stealing things, when in fact, she's the one who steals. Besides, I could see that you two get along often, doesn't this make her more suspicious? Why didn't you question her first?"

Jin Yazhen stomped her feet upon being called out by Xia Xibei.

"Who stole anything! What proof do you have?!"