The Grand Prize

After she said the word 'car,' it seemed as if a mute button had been pressed.

Two seconds later, the scene came back to life.


"Have I heard that right?! Grand prize?!"

"No way?!"

"I'm still waiting to draw the prize! Is the car really won already?"

The voices from the crowd of onlookers grew louder, their restless emotions starting to spread.

The staff immediately leaned towards them, saying, "I need to have a look at it first."

After reading the words clearly, the staff member was also shocked.

It really was the grand prize! What kind of luck was this!

After the onlookers exclaimed in shock, they started to gather towards them. "Let me see! Let me see!"

After seeing the words clearly, everyone's expressions turned very complicated.

Excitement, envy, disappointment... These emotions were mixed together, turning everyone almost mad.

That was the grand prize!