Hitting the Jackpot Again

Looking at the special prize in her hand, Xia Xibei felt extremely delighted.

The sight of Manager Tao turning pale and nearly passing out gratified her even more.

Beside her, Song Jiaren was bouncing and cheering in joy.

"Beibei, you're brilliant! Your luck is phenomenal! Could you share some of your luck with me!"

Song Jiaren's bad mood had vanished in a heartbeat because of Xia Xibei's luck.

When she won the prize and received the great sum of money yesterday, Song Jiaren was even more thrilled than Xia Xibei.

After that, Xia Xibei treated her to a sumptuous meal.

The two of them were on cloud nine.

Early this morning, however, Song Jiaren's mood was unexpectedly affected by an incident.

While doing their morning exercises, Song Jiaren found out that Tao Yueying and Liu Zhijing were apologizing to Xia Xibei with great reluctance in front of everyone.

After getting to know what happened, she blew her top.