Cheating with Spiritual Power

Going to jail?

Zhou Jianlan and Tao Yueying both gasped at the thought.

Was the matter really that serious?

"Make it clear! What actually happened?!" Zhou Jianlan desperately needed to know what the situation was.

"We were having a lucky draw at the shopping complex, weren't we?" Manager Tao took in a deep breath in an attempt to suppress the flames of anger blazing within him. Only then did he explain, "There's a girl who won the special prize twice..."

"Won the special prize twice?!" Zhou Jianlan was in shock. "How is that possible? Have you made a mistake?!"

"I have not!" Manager Tao was wearing an awful look. "It alarmed GM Li too, and he stepped forth to look into the matter. Then..."

As he recalled the conversation that had taken place in the office, Manager Tao's limbs went cold.

"But what does that have anything to do with Ying?" Zhou Jianlan still couldn't wrap her head around it.