Can't Sign the Contract

After watching Xia Shahai leave in low spirits, Xia Xibei also left with a smile on her face.

The Songs had found a shop, and they were waiting for her to go and have a look.

The shop that the Songs found was also situated in the commercial area in the vicinity, where more people usually moved about.

Once Xia Xibei was satisfied with it, they could begin the operation.

Xia Xibei had several hundred thousands in hand at the moment. If she collaborated with the Songs, they could open a few milk tea shops.

However, she had no plans to do that for now.

On her way to the shop, she received a call from Pan Yan.

On the other end of the phone, Pan Yan sounded very sincere, "It's been a week. Have you been considering it?"

"I'll be frank with you then."

Considering how genuine Pan Yan had been, Xia Xibei didn't want to lie to him. "I'm not on good terms with my parents, they wouldn't sign for me."