Totally Out of Luck

"Is everything alright for you? Your parents..."

Even though Song Jiaren hadn't really asked about Xia Xibei's parents, she went to Xia Xibei's house almost every day, so she knew that Xia Xibei lived alone.

Combined with the bits and pieces that she heard from others, she could confirm that Xia Xibei wasn't on good terms with her parents.

It usually didn't matter, but in the face of such enormous benefits, would those people be able to remain calm and cool?

Or would they try to inflict harm upon her?

"It's fine, I can deal with it," Xia Xibei smiled. "The house is now under my name. After it gets relocated, the money will naturally belong to me."

"Great then," Song Jiaren nodded, "If you need any help, remember to tell me."

"Of course," Xia Xibei nodded with a smile, not bringing up the subject again.

Neither did Song Jiaren linger on the matter any further.