I'll Take You Back

Qiao Yanjue couldn't help but frown. The reason he dealt with this matter so quickly was partly because of Xia Xibei.

She was a young woman living in such a terrible place; it would be great if she could change housing.

Too bad that he hadn't thought of this latest development.

He knew that Xia Xibei had a bad relationship with her parents, and he didn't take them into consideration.

But he had also forgotten that she was not an adult yet and could not handle many things on her own.

While he was embarrassed, Qiao Yanjue's secretary came back with several bags in his hands, all of which seemed quite heavy.

Xia Xibei glanced at the bags. They were from the two stores she had shopped at earlier.

But this was too much!

Qiao Yanjue coughed slightly, took all the bags, and put them on the table in front of Xia Xibei. 

"These are all for you."

Xia Xibei looked over them, stunned.