Friendly Little Chub

Xia Xibei didn't expect the chubby boy to be so naive either.

"It's a special skill. No one else can master it," she responded with a smile.

"Really?" The chubby guy was rather disappointed. "That's a pity then."

Tang Luo and Ren Juncheng exchanged a glance of concern for the idiot.

This guy was… Unbelievably naive!

"Oh, right, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Yu Ziqi. What about you guys?"

"I'm Xia Xibei, this is Tang Luo, and that's Ren Juncheng."

"Nice to meet you guys! You can call me Qi!" Yu Ziqi was beaming with a bright smile.

He was about 5 and a half feet tall and kind of plump with chubby cheeks. It didn't make him look unpleasant, but rather quite adorable.

With his silly, gullible personality, he seemed completely naive and harmless.

"Do you guys live nearby too?" Yu Ziqi asked.

"My house is around here," Ren Juncheng said.