Confess or Not

Xia Xibei's expression stayed the same. She dislocated the man's arm joints and asked softly, "Who told you to come?"

In the dim light, Xia Xibei looked calm, as if the current situation didn't cause any emotional changes in her.

Both the driver and the bodyguard were startled, their expressions shocked.

This girl was so cruel! It was simply too cruel to dislocate someone's joints due to a disagreement!

And the most frightening thing? She still had a calm face, as if she had experienced such things thousands of times before.

Were girls all so scary now?

As they were thinking this, they all looked at Qiao Yanjue and applauded his courage.

Even though Qiao Yanjue was not an ordinary person either, who else could stand such a tough girl? Wouldn't he fear that his joints would be dislocated someday?

However, when they saw the light in Qiao Yanjue's eyes, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they stood to the side without speaking.