Do Me a Favor

"Oh, too bad. Why didn't you bring me yesterday?!"

Seeing the two little animals' cute ways in the video and how they flattered Xia Xibei, Song Jiaren was very disappointed.

"I made an appointment with Tang Luo yesterday. I didn't expect something like this to happen."

"Tang Luo?" Song Jiaren was taken aback. "Your deskmate?"


Song Jiaren blinked at her. "You aren't...?"

"What are you talking about?" Xia Xibei patted her. "We were discussing a collaboration."

"A collaboration?" Song Jiaren was surprised. "What do you want to collaborate on?"

"Something similar to the milk tea shop."

For Xia Xibei, this was really similar to a milk tea shop.

"Oh," Song Jiaren nodded to express her understanding. "By the way, my mom asked me to tell you that our store opens up next week!"

She became more and more excited as she talked about these things.

This was the first store they were opening together!