An Odd Man

Xia Xibei was standing outside the entrance of the elementary school when she received a call from Pan Yan.

"Sorry..." Pan Yan sounded frustrated, "I thought they would agree..."

Xia Xibei was not really surprised by this result.

After all, with Bai Meixue around, things wouldn't work out so easily.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. I'm not in a hurry anyway."

Pan Yan felt even more ashamed.

He had thought that as long as Xia Xibei agreed, he could persuade the company to say yes.

But who would have thought that while Xia Xibei would agree, the company would not say yes?!

Xia Xibei could understand his disappointment, and after a few more words of comfort, she hung up the phone.

She smiled while looking at the school entrance, which wasn't too far away.

Xia Shahai and Liu Lixin's twins studied at this school.