Weeping over Fate

Liu Lixin and Xia Shahai were taken inside to be interrogated, whereas Xia Xibei was left outside to wait.

The rest of the people gathered around her. Being both concerned and nosy, they started asking her about her life experiences throughout the years.

There was even a reporter among them who had come over in a hurry.

After ascertaining that Xia Xibei was the life-saving hero, the reporter got closer to her, a recording pen ready.

People no longer enjoyed learning about the murderer's story these days; they loved watching heroic deeds!

This girl was beautiful and courageous, so she would definitely attract a great deal of attention!

Having thought of that, he adjusted his posture to appear more serious.

Xia Xibei flashed a rather bashful smile in front of the concerned crowd and began recounting what she had been through all these years.