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After Liu Manhong received Xia Xibei's assent, she immediately said, "I have two suites above me, both of which have three bedrooms and one living room. The area is not very large, but it's enough if you live by yourself. If you want to, you can see it now."

"How much is the rent?"

"No, no rent!" Liu Manhong quickly took her outside the home. "It's all mine, so there's no point in collecting rent! If I dare to collect rent from you, King Chu won't hesitate to scratch me up!"

When King Chu heard his name, he barked instantly, seemingly very proud of the statement.

The house that Liu Manhong lived in was actually a connected set of two houses, which added up to more than 200 square meters.

She didn't like other people's noises, so she bought both the homes above and below her own. This way, there would be no trouble from pesky neighbors.

Xia Xibei could choose to live upstairs or downstairs.