Getting Rid of the Sisters

What pleased Qiao Yanjue was that the cat did not appear, even after they left.

He only got to know afterwards that Honey's owner lived in another part of the city, which was quite a distance from here.

His mood improved a great deal after finding out about that.

Xia Xibei had no idea what was going on in Qiao Yanjue's mind at all. After comforting the two sulky, reluctant dogs, she went to meet Song Jiaren.

After a fortnight, some obvious changes had occurred in Song Jiaren.

She was now substantially slimmer than she had been before, which made her look much prettier.

She had a cup of milk tea in hand and was sipping on it. When she saw Xia Xibei coming over, she was instantly invigorated, going forth to welcome her.

"Are you alright?"

Xia Xibei had applied for a leave today, so she had only learnt about what Xia Xibei did after browsing the internet.

If not for Xia Xibei, the situation might have gotten much worse.