Out-of-the-world Imagination

"Something's not right!" Xiaoshi exclaimed all of a sudden.

"What's wrong? Why do you say so?" Xia Qinghan asked hastily, her heart skipping a beat.

"Why do I find this incident so strange?" Xiaoshi was wearing a look of suspicion on her face.

"How is it strange?"

"Just think about it! That person was Xia Xibei's good friend, so she should be helping her! Why did she show up out of nowhere and accuse her of stealing that bracelet?"

Nini scowled too, "You're right, that is weird. If they really were good friends, she wouldn't have done that!"

"Let's sort it out properly." Xiaoshi put on a solemn look as she declared, "Let's not look at the process, but focus on the outcome instead! The person who benefited most from the incident in the end should be the mastermind!"

The realization hit them the moment her words came out.