Worse Setback

It was only by the time she felt that the atmosphere had changed did Xia Qinghan realize that everyone but her and Xia Xibei had stopped dancing.

Under their subtle gazes, her moves stiffened, little by little.

From the mirror, she saw that Xia Xibei wasn't affected at all. Her timing was precise, and her moves were clean and well executed.

Then she took a look at herself. The moves that she had thought were pretty good seemed flimsy and powerless when compared to Xia Xibei.

With her heart palpating fast, she came to a stop. Her face switched from red to ashen to pale, wishing she could dig a hole and hide there right now!

"The difference is too big, isn't it?"

"Yea, I didn't feel that way when they were dancing individually, but when they stand next to each other though… Goodness! This is public humiliation!"

"I'd die of embarrassment if that was me!"