In a Dilemma

When Xia Xibei rushed over, she heard an excited "Bark," followed by a golden figure running towards her.

Xia Xibei took a closer look and saw Asura rushing to her, his tongue sticking out excitedly.

She stroked Asura's head and looked forward, then frowned.

In addition to Zheng Xiaowen and Song Jiaren, who were not far away, Yu Ziqi was also here.

At this time, Zheng Xiaowen had tears in her eyes and a wronged expression. She was carefully hiding behind Yu Ziqi.

Song Jiaren angrily stood across from them, as if she was about to start a fight at any moment.

It was apparent that Yu Ziqi was also a little flustered by this scene.

However, because of Asura's actions, the weird atmosphere among the three of them had been broken.

Yu Ziqi looked at his rebellious dog helplessly, not knowing what to say.

"Little Qi..."