A New Boss

In fact, SY Entertainment did not restrict people from taking time off, especially trainees; it was alright if they didn't come to class.

However, very few people actually took time off.

Everyone was working towards their industry debut. If they didn't work hard and asked for leave often, they would be committing career suicide.

Moreover, if you asked for leave while everyone else was hard at work, who knew how many courses would have to be made up upon your return? What if other people learned something you didn't learn during your time away?

Even if everyone knew that one or two days off was not so critical, there was still a sense of urgency from being left behind.

Some diligent trainees had never asked for leave once since they had started. Except for a few days during the Lunar New Year, they practiced hard at all times in order to try and debut early.

If people who were more talented were working hard, who dared to be so lazy?