A Unique Hobby

The peeled shrimp was not placed in Xia Xibei's bowl. Qiao Yanjue was not in a hurry, putting it in a clean bowl and continuing to peel the next shrimp.

As he worked, he said, "I'm not lying. I really do like peeling shrimp."

This hobby of his had recently appeared and would last for a while.

He was used to being served by others, never taking care of someone else.

However, watching Xia Xibei eat all that shrimp he had peeled gave him a strange sense of satisfaction.

"Have you peeled shrimp for other people?" Xia Xibei asked.

"No!" Qiao Yanjue blurted out.

After saying so, he saw Xia Xibei's contemptuous gaze. He didn't worry about it, explaining slowly, "I don't like to peel shrimp for them."

Who could ask him to work but his parents?

But his parents didn't ask him to do this either.

Xia Xibei was about to chuckle. How could he say such amazing words without changing his expression?