Been Searching for Months

In the car, Tang Luo and Mo Bonan were sitting in the backseats.

Mo Bonan shot a glance at Tang Luo and couldn't help but scowl.

"Why are you sitting so far away from me? Am I that frightening?"

Tang Luo's heart missed a beat and he nearly jumped. Swiftly, he turned to look at Mo Bonan, his expression rather awkward, "Of course not! It's just that I enjoy leaning against the window and looking at the scenery."

Before Mo Bonan could speak again, he added, "By the way, when are Auntie and Uncle coming back?"

Mo Bonan's attention was diverted, replying, "I don't know, perhaps in two weeks' time."

His answer put a dejected look on Tang Luo's tiny face.

"Do you miss them that much?"

"Yes," Tang Luo nodded, a sincere look on his face. "I haven't seen them in a long while, and I miss them a lot."

Mo Bonan scrutinized him with a profound look in his eyes, "They'll be very pleased if they know you miss them that much."