No Boyfriend

Huo Zijun's eyes widened as he saw how Qiao Yanjue moved the chair skillfully and Xia Xibei sat down naturally.

What the...?!

How long had it been since he had last seen them? Why did it feel like a lot had happened since then?

"Let's eat," Qiao Yanjue said after they sat down.

Huo Zijun looked down and saw that there were several dishes on the table, the portions were quite large.

"There's only three of us here. Why do we need so many dishes?"

Even though they had money, they shouldn't be wasteful. There was enough food for at least five or six people here; how could they finish it all?

He knew Qiao Yanjue had a big appetite, but this was still too much food...

"It's fine, we can finish it," Qiao Yanjue shook his head, then began peeling shrimp.

Huo Zijun was taken aback for a moment, wondering, "Since when do you like to eat shrimp?"

"I don't like eating shrimp."

"If you don't-"