The Wan Family

Xia Xibei went home after the dinner. 

Before returning to her own home, however, she went to visit Liu Manhong. 

Right as the gates opened up, King Chu pounced on her. 

The dog was excited at first, but when it got near and smelled the scents of many other cats and dogs on Xia Xibei, it erupted in anger. 

How dare you have affairs with other animals! 

It started weeping right away, looking extremely aggrieved. 

Xia Xibei was unsure whether to laugh or cry after listening to its complaints. 

All she could do was stroke its fur in an attempt to comfort it, but she wouldn't make any promises. 

That it would be her one and only dog from now on? 

That was impossible!

That was also the reason why Xia Xibei could never have pets; she had to divide her love equally. 

If she got entangled with other cuties out there, wouldn't her pets cry to death when she got home?