Closing for a Month

The advanced formula was more difficult to make. Although all the ingredients could be found in this world, and the process was not much more complicated, the most important thing was that it required spiritual power.

As a result, no one other than Xia Xibei could do it.

Unless Xia Xibei had a whim one day and simplified it into a way that could be used in this world, they could only be created with her hands.

The production method was difficult, the effect was amazing, and the sale price would be sky high.

Xia Xibei wasn't worried about sales. There were rich people everywhere.

When one had money, one naturally wanted to improve oneself. There was never a shortage of people willing to spend money.

For now, Xia Xibei needed to focus on the introductory formula.

In addition to the anti-aging products, she had to collaborate with Huo Zijun to produce other medicines.