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After Song Jiaren's excitement died down, she finally noticed Yu Ziqi next to her. Pulling him over, she asked, "So? Did you get the shot?"

They shared their work. She was responsible for cheering and screaming, while Yu Ziqi was responsible for taking pictures.

Yu Ziqi's photography skills were very good. He took out his cell phone and camera, confirming, "Got the shots!"

They wanted to record Xia Xibei's best moments!

Xia Xibei would be a big star in the future. When she became famous and they put these old photos up, it would certainly amaze everyone.

Yu Ziqi clicked on the video and fast-forwarded to Xia Xibei's shot.

On camera, Xia Xibei was so heroic that the others all became her accompaniment.

She was so fabulous, especially when she scored!

Yu Ziqi was talking excitedly, "You were really amazing just now! If I had your strength, it would be so great!"