You're Wrong

Qiao Yanjue's face turned dark, "Stop that nonsense! What do you mean I'm old? I'm still in my youth, okay! Also, I'm the only person that's in charge of my relationships!" 

As he spoke, he gingerly observed Xia Xibei's expression. 

However, there wasn't really much he could see from Xia Xibei's face. 

This both elated and disappointed him at the same time. 

He was glad that Xia Xibei didn't get angry, but the exact same reason disappointed him as well. 

"Haha!" How could Liu Manhong even know what he was thinking about? So she sneered, "As long as you keep it in mind. As for what you said about being in charge… That depends on whether your dad and mom agree." 

Judging from the Qiao family's condition, they sure wouldn't allow Qiao Yanjue's life partner to be the child of an ordinary family. 

Feelings were important, but so was compatibility. Otherwise, his partner would end up suffering a lot.