Milk Tea Sales Soar

The next morning, Uncle Chen came over early and drove Xia Xibei to the company for class.

When she arrived at the company, Xia Xibei saw many people holding a cup of milk tea in their hands.

She couldn't help but smile when looking at the name of the store on the cup.

These days, business at the milk tea store was particularly good.

Song Jiaren told her that after the previous buy-one-get-one-free event, the sales at the milk tea store jumped instead of dropping, that more customers had come than ever before.

As many people knew, this was a milk tea store where you wouldn't gain weight.

Of course, the most important part was how great the milk tea tasted!

Although their price was much higher than other milk tea stores, it was worth it!

Some people had also experimented, picking a day when they ate their meals normally, and then drank several cups of milk tea.

They didn't gain weight!