An Elaborate Plot

The audio continued to play.

Zhang Yiqi froze while listening to the conversation.

Who recorded the conversation between her and Li Yulin?!

Xia Qinghan was also confused and shocked.


She had just heard the conversation between the two clearly from the side, so she was stunned to see the text version of the conversation posted by some marketing account. A chill rose up her spine.

This tactic was terrifying!

Did Xia Xibei and her people do this?!

Zhang Yiqi did not know what the hell was going on, but she knew things weren't good!

The comments section went crazy.

[Damn it! I thought it was just a simple frame-up! I didn't think someone had ordered it! It's too vicious!]

[What is the grudge between the "top scholar" and this person? Is it a relationship thing? Is it hatred from unrequited love? This woman's heart is too mean! She's trying to ruin his life!]