Learned A Lot

"Ha ha ha! Awesome!"

Inside a private room in Yuhai Pavilion, Song Jiaren's fingers quickly tapped the keyboard. She was very excited and laughed from time to time.

Ren Juncheng laughed along with her, sitting nearby.

"You reap what you sow!"

"It's awesome! I can't wait to see the look on their faces right now!"

After saying that, Song Jiaren closed her eyes and moved her slightly stiff neck.

Just now, she almost forgot to blink when posting comments online, and her eyes hurt. However, she was just about to die of excitement reading everyone's comments. 

"Hah! School beauty? More like a school joke!" Song Jiaren looked at Xia Xibei and Tang Luo nearby and couldn't help but shake her head, "You guys are the only ones who can stand it! If it were me, I would have exploded long ago!"

"That's why you're not Sister Bei!" Yu Ziqi exclaimed. "If it had blown up before, would it still have this effect now?"