Calling for a Fight

Qiao Yanjue realized he had said the wrong thing and hurriedly explained, "I mean, since you're so astute, can't you tell who likes you?"

Xia Xibei's heart flashed with a strange feeling, but she meekly shook her head, "I can't tell."

Qiao Yanjue was left speechless.

She justified, "No one has confessed to me, so how would I know?"

"Didn't you just say you could tell?" Qiao Yanjue gritted his teeth.

"Don't you know? Those experienced relationship experts who seem to know so much about emotions are actually new to relationships." 

Xia Xibei did not blush. 

"Who decided that those who understand other people's feelings must also understand their own feelings? Besides, I'm a spectator! If I were involved, I'd be lost too!"

Qiao Yanjue didn't know what to say. This made so much sense, he was actually speechless.

However, it also showed that Xia Xibei really had very little experience in this area.