Zhang and His Daughter (2/2)

Although they were all Zhang family members, the power in the Zhang family was with Zhang Kaiwei's eldest brother, Zhang Kaile.

Zhang Yibin was Zhang Kaile's eldest son, and he was 26 years old this year. He was eight years older than Zhang Yiqi, and ten years older than Zhang Yizhe, Zhang Kaiwei's younger son.

If he gained strong achievements, in a few years, Zhang Yibin would be able to replace his father and take over the position of the head of the Zhang Group.

If Zhang Yibin had these achievements now, by the time Zhang Yizhe grew up, he would have firmly controlled the Zhang Group, which would not be a good thing for them.

"Besides, Qiqi didn't do it on purpose." 

Wan Yunshan pulled her daughter behind, as if to protect her while speaking up for her.

"Doting mothers have many spoiled children!" Zhang Kaiwei was so angry that he pointed at the mother and daughter, "We are also part of the Zhang family!"