Good Care Makes Good Skin

Xia Xibei did not expect Sister Lili to be a customer of Hongyan as well. 

However, even if Sister Lili wasn't a customer of Hongyan, she would make her one anyway. 

Now that Hongyan was temporarily shut down for renovation and most of the customers had ditched them, they had to look for some new customers. 

Sister Lili was a make-up artist. Thus, she had good connections with many artists and celebrities. If she thought Hongyan was good, she would recommend it to her acquaintances. 

Although Xia Xibei was confident that Hongyan would never run short of customers again, it was always good to bring in a couple more! 

"I thought Hongyan couldn't make it anymore because there was a new beauty parlor. Xianrong, wasn't it?" Sister Lili queried as she did Xia Xibei's make-up. 

"Of course not," Xia Xibei denied. "Do you think that Xianrong can give me such impeccable skin?" 

"No way!" Sister Lili shook her head immediately.