Won Again

Zhang Yiqi and Sisi glanced at each other, their eyes showing the same contempt.

Did she think she'd win just like that? She was dreaming!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Xia Xibei smiled lightly and lifted her finger, sending the spinner moving.

There were many prizes: silk scarves, clothes, jewelry, and also a waived purchase. The biggest prize, however, was the double refund of the purchase amount.

After a few spins under the gazes of the crowd, the spinner finally came to a halt.

The pointer stopped at the smallest grid.

"Oh my god!"

"She won!"

"She really won!"

The salesclerks gasped and looked at the scene with disbelief.

She really won!

This was too lucky!

Zhang Yiqi and Sisi were dumbfounded and skeptical, wanting to shout out that she had cheated.

How could she be so lucky?