Shocking Reversal

Wait, what?

Did they read it wrong, or did the crew send out the wrong news?

Shouldn't Nie Zehai be kicked out? Why was it Gu Qiang?

Things were so clear and obvious, so why was the result like this?

[Is Nie Zehai covering up the whole thing? It's outrageous!]

However, before their anger could fully erupt, Nie Zehai's blog and the company's official blog both sent out a lawyer's letter at the same time, both with intent to sue Gu Qiang for defamation and slander.

The audience didn't know what to say.

It felt like the drama was escalating.

This time, they didn't have to wait long.

Soon, two video links appeared on Nie Zehai's blog.

[Here's the evidence you asked for.]

Everyone froze for a moment, then quickly clicked on the video.

The first video was shot in a dressing room and was likely taken with a cell phone, as it was not as clear as a professional camera.