Allergy Acting Up

"Achoo! Achoo!" 

Wan Shicheng was sneezing like crazy, his face flushed. 

Everyone around him moved away furtively, keeping a distance from him. 

"Brother Shicheng, are you alright?" Anxious, Xia Qinghan asked in concern. 

"I'm fin- Achoo! Achoo!" 

Wan Shicheng couldn't control himself at all. His nose was so sore and itchy that he wished he could sever it from his face. 

Apart from that, he felt his arms starting to itch. Damn it! 

"Umm… Are you okay?" Xia Xibei asked, concerned. "You wanna go see a doctor?" 

Xia Xibei was slightly taken aback as well. She hadn't expected such a dramatic reaction from Wan Shicheng either. 

However, she was pretty satisfied with how it turned out. Thumbs-up to Honey and Asura. 

"I'm alrig- Achoo!" Wan Shicheng wanted to tell Xia Xibei that he was alright, but his body didn't allow him to act cool.