Seeking Help

"What's wrong? Whom was the call from?"

Xia Xibei faintly heard the tearful complaint on the other end of the call. Did she mention drug-related crimes?

"It was from my third older sister. Her son got arrested, and she asked me to go help him out."

"Your third older sister?"

It took Xia Xibei a moment to make sense of it.

Qiao Yanjue had two older brothers and an older sister, all of whom were about ten to twenty years older than him.

"How old is her son?"


"So he's only two years younger than you?"

"Yup," Qiao Yanjue nodded.

Despite being about the same age, Qiao Yanjue was his elder in the family.

"I'll go take a look."

"You wanna help him?"

Weren't they on bad terms?

"I'm only gonna go take a look," Qiao Yanjue's lips curled into a smile, "If he did it for real, why should I help him?"

If it were just a fight, he might lend him a hand considering that he was a relative.