Another One

Qiao Yanjue's face sank, his voice cold and hard. 

"So according to you, I should starve?"

How dare she say that her son was human, and he was not. Did he deserve to die due to hunger?

Qiao Zhiqing was startled by his coldness, but quickly recovered. "It's not that you can't be allowed to eat, but Zhikun is now at the police station. You-"

"I've already been over there. He did commit a crime," Qiao Yanjue interrupted her.

"Impossible!" Qiao Zhiqing shrieked, "There's no way he could have done such a thing!"

"If you don't believe me, you can come back and see for yourself."

Sensing that he was about to hang up, Qiao Zhiqing got anxious. 

"Qiao Yanjue! He's your nephew!"

"If he wasn't my nephew, do you think I would have gone over there?" Qiao Yanjue's voice was even colder now.

Before, they were unwilling to admit their familial relationship, but now they were trying to make him feel guilty because they were family.