The Strangely Sick Child

"It's really possible?"

Sister Chen immediately perked up.

"Don't get too excited yet," Liu Manhong warned her. "The doctor said we have to see the person to know the specific situation. However, she is highly skilled in medicine, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Sister Chen did not mind. They were desperate for medical help. As long as they could save the child, anything would be good.

"You have no idea how much the child has suffered!" She sighed, explaining to Liu Manhong, "The child is the son of one of my cousins. The couple got married late, about the same age as me, and the child is only about ten years old. Now that the child has problems, they can't even focus on their work."

"It's true. Who wouldn't be anxious when their child is sick?" Liu Manhong concurred.

Although she didn't have children, that didn't mean she couldn't understand how much others cared about their children.