Pushed Into The Water

Zhang Yiqi started trembling after Zhong Xianjing left.

"Qiqi, are you alright?"

Frightened, Xia Qinghan instantly held her.

Zhang Yiqi bit her lip, suppressing the sound of crying in her throat, but the tears in her eyes couldn't help but roll down her cheeks.

She didn't know that Zhong Xianjing would approach her just to give her a warning!

She felt utterly mortified as she thought of how Mo and his mother had treated her.

"Qiqi, don't cry!" 

Startled, Xia Qinghan hurriedly pulled her to the side so that people wouldn't see the ignominious state that she was in.

When they got to a quiet corner, Zhang Yiqi's tears began pouring out in torrents.


She was full of grievances.

How could Mo Bonan and his mother treat her like that?! Wasn't she good enough?!